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Quand faire sa méditation

Quand pratiquer la méditation ?

Quand se laver ? Lorsque nous sommes sales…
Quand méditer ? Lorsque notre esprit est encombré…

Quand faire sa méditation dépend de plusieurs facteurs :

  • le temps à disposition qui déterminera la durée de la méditation et la profondeur de celle-ci
  • à quel point notre esprit est encombré
  • quel type de pensées parasites nous perturbent (récentes ou pas)

Les réponses ci-dessous concernent des méditations courtes car pour les méditations d’ 1 heure ou plus (des méditation profondes), la recommandation est la suivante : lorsque nous avons le temps, tout moment de la journée est propice à un travail de fond.

Quand faire sa méditation

Quand pratiquer la méditation : la méditation du matin

Dès que nous nous réveillons le matin nous pensons commencer la journée à zéro mais en réalité nous avons accumulé beaucoup de pensées pendant la nuit.

Parfois nous accumulons encore plus pendant la nuit que pendant la journée :

Quand le chat (notre conscience) n’est pas là, les souris (pensées parasites) dansent…

C’est pour cela qu’il est fort possible de se réveiller de bonne humeur ou de mauvaise humeur en fonction de nos rêves (même si l’on ne se souvient pas d’avoir fait des rêves!) .

Pour ne pas être conditionnés par ces représentations la solution est, ça va sans dire, la méditation ! La méditation nous permet de nous détacher de ces pensées illusoires qui n’ont rien à voir avec le moment présent.

Même 5 minutes de méditation le matin peuvent faire la différence.

Pour conclure, une méditation au réveil ça ne coûte pas grand chose et ça fait du bien !

Quand faire sa méditation

Méditation le matin ou l’après-midi ?

Pratiquer la méditation nous permet toujours de nous détendre et de nous relaxer. Beaucoup de gens posent la question par rapport à quand méditer mais comme pour tout la réponse est : ça dépend !

La méditation le matin permet de bien commencer la journée mais une méditation l’après-midi ou en cours de route peut souvent remettre sur les rails une journée qui a pris une mauvaise direction ou permettre de dépasser un événement qui nous a troublés.

La méditation l’après midi est peut être un peu moins populaire que la méditation du matin ou la méditation du soir en raison des emplois du temps de beaucoup de personnes mais elle est tout aussi précieuse.

Quand faire sa méditation

Méditation du soir

Une méditation en fin de journée a des avantages très clairs :

  • nous pouvons nous libérer du stress accumulé pendant la journée (au travail ou à la maison…)
  • nous pouvons nous concentrer sur la méditation sachant que la journée est presque terminée
  • il est possible de revoir les épisodes qui nous ont troublés car ils sont encore frais dans notre mémoire

Quel est l’effet court terme d’une méditation du soir ?

Une belle séance de méditation du soir a le même effet sur l’esprit qu’une bonne douche après une journée sous le soleil.

Pour conclure, après une journée chargée, rien de mieux que de méditer le soir pour se défaire des fardeaux accumulés !

Quand faire sa méditation

Quand faire sa méditation : méditation pour dormir

Avant de se coucher nous avons souvent au moins quelques minutes à disposition.

Même au lit il est possible de faire un bon travail de méditation pour s’endormir en faisant gentiment comprendre à notre mental que la journée est terminée.

De nombreux méditants confirment les bienfaits d’une méditation pour s’endormir mais aussi sur la qualité du sommeil.

La méditation avant de dormir est un remède naturel et efficace.

Quand faire sa méditation

A bientôt !

Bruxelles Méditation

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Méditation quelle durée ?

Est-ce que la méditation 10 minutes par jour suffit-elle pour obtenir des résultats durables?

Le débat de nos jours n’est plus : “faut-il méditer?” mais “quelle durée de méditation me permet d’obtenir des résultats?”

Méditation quelle durée ?

La Méditation 10 Minutes ou plus ?

  • Pause de méditation de 2 minutes ou méditation de 3 minutes : à peine le temps de fermer les yeux que la méditation est terminée, mais en effet ça peut suffire à lâcher prise et à se débarasser d’une pensée négative qui nous encombre l’esprit ! Un peu comme la pratique de méditation pendant 2 minutes, de pratiquer la méditation 3 minutes peut permettre de ne plus penser et de se libérer d’une pensée parasite.
  • Mini méditation 5 minutes, méditation de 7 minutes ou petite session de méditation de 8 minutes : nous avons souvent 5 minutes et au lieu de rester dans le monde de l’esprit (ce mental qui ne cesse de tourner en rond) il est certainement conseillé de se poser et de lâcher prise. Il s’agira dans ce cas de se débarrasser des pensées parasites du moment. Utile pour repartir de bon pied et attaquer le reste de la journée. Lorsqu’on commence à méditer 5 minutes, pourquoi ne pas continuer 2 ou 3 minutes de plus… il s’agit bien évidemment d’un investissement qui va porter ses fruits en termes de sérénité et efficacité !
  • Méditation 10 minutes, méditation 15 minutes : la pratique de meditation 10 min ou 15 min nous fait réaliser une vraie coupure. Les bienfaits restent liés à des pensées parasites qui nous dérangent sur le moment mais le reste de la journée pourra vraiment suivre un cours différent. Surtout avec un peu de pratique ces petites sessions peuvent devenir extrêmement bénéfiques pour faire face au défis de la vie de tous les jours.
  • Méditation 20 minutes, méditation 25 minutes, méditation 30 minutes : les séances de méditation de 20 à 30 minutes sont de plus en plus appréciées par de nombreux débutants. Elles permettent de sentir un réel détachement par rapport au monde extérieur, de quoi pouvoir se ressourcer pour affronter le reste de la journée. Les bénéfices sont là mais il est tout de même difficile de relâcher des attachements profonds liés à notre vécu.
  • La méditation 45 minutes et une séance de méditation 1 heure : à partir de cette durée de méditation nous pouvons considérer qu’il s’agit d’une séance “complète” de méditation. On peut aller en profondeur et réellement lâcher prise. Nous pouvons nous libérer de fardeaux qui proviennent de notre vécu ou de nos habitudes profondes. Difficiles d’expliquer à travers les mots à quel point ce type de séances puissent changer en mieux notre vie et la façon de voir les choses. Nous pouvons réellement changer de perspective et retrouver notre vraie nature. Bien évidemment pour tout ça…il faut une pratique régulière.
  • Séance de méditation de 2 heures : pour les gens qui pratiquent la méditation régulièrement et à notre avis, il s’agit de la durée idéale pour pouvoir faire un travail de fond. Cela peut paraître long au début mais très vite les bienfaits prennent le dessus sur tout le reste !

Ces différentes durées de méditations confirment que de pratiquer la méditation au réveil est une bonne chose, la méditation 5 minutes le matin (ou plus!) peut certainement permettre de bien démarrer la journée. La même chose est vraie pour la méditation 5 minutes le soir qui peut aider à mieux dormir. D’autre part pour vraiment se défaire des fardeaux accumulés toute une vie, se libérer du stress et retrouver la meilleure version de nous mêmes nous conseillons de méditer un minimum 45 minutes par séance.

meditation quelle durée meditation 10 minutes
La Meditation de 2 minutes à plus de 2 heures, c’est agréable !

Un autre aspect fondamental est lié à la durée de la pratique de la méditation dans le temps. Inutile de le dire, comme toute chose dans la vie, pour obtenir un résultat durable il faut être réguliers, pour cela nous conseillons ce type de formats:

Méditation quelle durée ?

Méditation quelle durée : Les parcours intensifs et retraites

Retraite de méditation week-end, parcours de méditation 7 jours, parcours de méditation 10 jours (mini retraite au centre de méditation ou en ligne en période de confinement)

  • méditation au reveil : étirements et meditation 45 minutes
  • de 10h à 12h : meditation plus cours de méditation et échange
  • déjeuner
  • 14h à 15h30 : étirements et 1 heure de méditation
  • 16h à 18h : cours et méditation
  • dîner
  • 20h à 22h : étirements, cours et 1h de méditation

La retraite de 7 jours permet de “remettre le train sur les rails” mais il faudra bien sûr continuer à pratiquer pour concrétiser et maintenir les résultats obtenus.

Méditation quelle durée ?

Méditation quelle durée : les parcours complets qui marchent

Parcours de méditation 1 mois

  • méditation 1 heure ou plus trois ou quatre fois par semaine
  • méditation 5 minutes le matin  
  • méditation 5 minutes soir  
  • un apprentissage de techniques de méditation de base
  • apprendre à lâcher prise
  • des résultats tangibles

Parcours de méditation 3 mois

  • méditation 1 heure ou plus trois ou quatre fois par semaine
  • méditation 5 minutes le matin  
  • méditation 5 minutes soir  
  • la possibilité de faire un travail sur différents thèmes et attachements
  • on lâche prise sur plusieurs couches accumulées du vécu
  • commencer à se détacher d’habitudes profondes

Parcours de meditation 6 mois

  • meditation 1 heure ou plus trois ou quatre fois par semaine
  • meditation 5 minutes le matin  
  • meditation 5 minutes soir  
  • on lâche prise du vécu et des habitudes profondes
  • on trouve les réponses en nous

Parcours de meditation 1 an

  • meditation 1 heure ou plus trois ou quatre fois par semaine
  • meditation 5 minutes le matin  
  • meditation 5 minutes soir  
  • on arrive à se détacher des pensées parasites, des fardeaux du passé et des habitudes
  • avec un peu de chance on a la possibilité de commencer à vivre vraiment

Parcours de meditation 2 ans

  • meditation 1 heure ou plus trois ou quatre fois par semaine
  • meditation 5 minutes le matin  
  • meditation 5 minutes soir  
  • on arrive à se détacher des pensées parasites, des fardeaux du passé et des habitudes
  • on a la possibilité de commencer à vivre vraiment
  • on commence à vivre avec une perspective différente, c’est le vrai moi qui est en adéquation avec lui-même

Parcours de meditation 5 ans, parcours de meditation 6 ans

  • meditation 1 heure ou plus trois ou quatre fois par semaine
  • meditation 5 minutes le matin  
  • meditation 5 minutes soir
  • on arrive à se détacher des pensées parasites, des fardeaux du passé et des habitudes
  • on a la possibilité de commencer à vivre vraiment
  • on commence à vivre avec une perspective différente, c’est le vrai moi qui est en adéquation avec lui-même
  • on apprend à vivre pour le monde, car le monde…c’est nous !

Pour conclure, ce qu’il ne faut pas oublier dans tout ça, c’est que la méditation est un plaisir et non pas une corvée.

Une personne passionnée de football ne vous demanderait pas combien de temps faut-il qu’elle joue au football n’est-ce pas?

Et encore, vous ne vous demandez pas quand vous pourrez arrêter de vous doucher et être propre pour toujours…de la même façon que nous avons une hygiène du corps, il est aussi intelligent de nettoyer l’esprit régulièrement !

Méditation quelle durée ?

Bruxelles Méditation

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Research about meditation

Our meditation center offers meditation programs for different kinds of ages, jobs, and people.

Please find below some research papers about our meditation that explain how our meditation can affect our lives.

Research Findings: The Effects Of This Meditation On Self-esteem And Adaptability To School Environment

effects of meditation on self-esteem

The effects of this meditation on elementary school children’s self-esteem and adaptability to school environment.

Researchers Yangkyung Yu (Professor, School of Nursing, Kunsan University) Minjung Lee (Instructor, Gimhae Nungdong Elementary School) Research aim The research is to identify the effects of this meditation programme on elementary school children’s self-esteem […]

Research Findings: Report On The Brainwave Test And The Bio-signal Test Analysis After This Meditation

brainwave test after meditation

Report on the brainwave test and the bio-signal test analysis after this meditation.

Researchers Duk-ju Lee(KAIST, professor) Sung-min Kim, Jin-young Song, Ki-young Jung Dept. of Neurology, Korea University Medical Center,Korea University College of MedicineKU Computational Neuroscience Research Lab ( Research Participants 17 pupils, 17 teachers.

Research Findings: The Effects Of Meditation On Adult Mental Health

adult mental health

 The effects of this meditation on adult mental health.

Researchers: Mi-ra Yoon (the Department of Nursing Science, Seoul University) Yang-kyung Yu (Professor, School of Nursing, Kunsan University) En-hee Choi (Researcher, the graduate school of public health, Catholic University of Korea) Kyung-ah Kim (Doctor, comparison family medicine).

Meditation Benefits : Stress relief

meditation benefits on stress relief

Through this meditation, we have shown above that many results can be achieved.

However, the most important benefit meditation offers is to recover our true self. When that happens, true happiness awaits.  

Why don’t you give it a try? We offer a free introduction to meditation, to get it click here !

The meditation teachers from Bruxelles Meditation

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Meditation Advantages

Through this meditation, we are aware of many advantages can be achieved.

However, there are more significant advantages from this meditation

because this meditation has the method of changing human mind into the infinite Universe mind to find true self.

When our true self is recovered, true happiness awaits.

1. Stress Relief

Stress Relief research

According to the survey conducted by the Korea Association of Statistics & Information,

out of 473 participants 97.7% answered this meditation is immensely helpful for stress relief.

Simply, stress is everything that you accumulated into your mind.

Thus, when you subtract the false mind, naturally, your mind becomes free of stress.

2. No More Anxieties and Worries

relief from worries and anxieties research

Where are anxieties triggered from?

Among my negative experiences from the past,

my mind is always restless worrying about useless memories that I have accumulated.

This meditation has the precise method to let them go.

Sounds too good to be true? But it happens already in this meditation!

3. Mind at great peace and happiness

mind at great peace and happiness

Have you ever felt happiness is just far away from you where you can never reach?

There is such a simple principle we can truly become happy when I don’t possess any of the mind or whatsoever.

When you subtract your human mind,

the Universal mind is always at great peace and happiness because it is a great positive mind itself.

And so much more …

– Be able to live in the moment.

– Finding true purpose and meaning of this life

– Scattered mind disappears and becomes more focused

– Conflicts and hindrances are resolved.

– Freedom from anger, frustration, fear, sense of inferiority, depression, loneliness, futility

– Relationships with people truly improves.

– Recovery of health and natural beauty.

More Survey Results

meditation research question
meditation advantages
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Research Findings: Report On The Brainwave Test And The Bio-signal Test Analysis After This Meditation

Research Date


Research Title

Report on the brainwave test and the bio-signal test analysis after this meditation

Research date



Duk-ju Lee(KAIST, professor)
Sung-min Kim, Jin-young Song, Ki-young Jung
Dept. of Neurology, Korea University Medical Center,Korea University College of MedicineKU Computational Neuroscience Research Lab (

Research Participants

17 youths, 17 teachers


After conducting the brainwave test and the bio-signal test before and after this meditation, the research showed a decreased level of alpha power in both two groups. This outcome was estimated as a reflection of an increased level of attention due to the effects of this meditation.

change of brain wave before meditation
change of brain wave after meditation
result of meditation

After Meditation, Alpha 2 power decreased mostly from the back part of brain.

change of brain wave before meditation
change of brain wave after meditation
result of meditation

After Meditation, Alpha 2 power decreased mostly from the back part of brain.

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Research Findings: The Effects of Meditation on Self-esteem and Adaptability to School Environment

What is Self-esteem, Self-confidence?

Self-esteem is an individual’s subjective evaluation of their own worth. Self-esteem encompasses beliefs about oneself (for example, “I am unloved”, “I am worthy”) as well as emotional states, such as triumph, despair, pride, and shame. Smith and Mackie (2007) defined it by saying “The self-concept is what we think about the self; self-esteem, is the positive or negative evaluations of the self, as in how we feel about it.

The concept of self-confidence is commonly used as self-assurance in one’s personal judgment, ability, power, etc. One’s self confidence increases from experiences of having satisfactorily completed particular activities. It is a positive belief that in the future one can generally accomplish what one wishes to do.

Self-confidence is not the same as self-esteem, which is an evaluation of one’s own worth, whereas self-confidence is more specifically trust in one’s ability to achieve some goal, which one meta-analysis suggested is similar to generalization of self-efficacy. Abraham Maslow and many others after him have emphasized the need to distinguish between self-confidence as a generalized personality characteristic, and self-confidence with respect to a specific task, ability or challenge (i.e. self-efficacy).

Concept of two words looks similar. But, there is slight difference between both of words. the former means emotional thing and the latter means more like ability things. so, how meditation can help people to have great self-esteem and self-confidence?

Meditation Effects

Effects of meditation for self-esteem and self-confidence

low self esteem
self esteem

Meditation for self-esteem

What is the cause of low self-esteem? It is having a negative mind for himself. until now, we have been through many things. and in the process, we made a variety of thoughts and minds. tiredness, helplessness, hate, sadness, inferiority, regret, anxiety, worry, anger.. many negative thoughts and minds… all those things made us have low self-esteem.

meditation is discarding our minds and thoughts. by eliminating our negative thoughts, we can let go of all the thoughts and minds that makes us regard ourselves as useless, inferior..

If we have no negative minds about us, our Self-esteem must increase.

self confidence
meditation for self confidence

Meditation for self-confidence

What is the cause of low self-confidence? It is having enormous thoughts not only negative minds. of course, negative minds prevent us from having the ability to solve the problems. but not only negative thoughts, but also all the thoughts make human stay in their own head. and it connect to do nothing in action that make less ability. then it brings up low self-confidence.

To make high self-confidence, we have to let go of all the thoughts which is not important now in our head. and we can only do what we need to do in the present situation, which is most important thing in our life. and meditation is the key for that life.

meditation center in brussels

Research about effects of meditation for self-esteem and adaptability

Here is the research about effects of meditation for self-esteem and adaptability in some environment. You can see how meditation can help for our self-esteem and adaptability.

Research Date


Research title

The effects of this meditation on elementary school children’s self-esteem and adaptability to school environment


Yangkyung Yu (Professor, School of Nursing, Kunsan University)
Minjung Lee (Instructor, Gimhae Nungdong Elementary School)

Research aim

The research is to identify the effects of this meditation programme on elementary school children’s self-esteem and their adaptabilities to their school environment.

Research participants and research duration

50 elementary school children in their third year
Between March 2012 to July 2012(twice per week, thirty minutes per session, 15 weeks in total).

Research procedure

At an elementary school located in K city of South Korea, 25 students who were in their 3rd year who wished to participate the experiment and whose parents also consented to their children’s participation attended this meditation session instructed by their teacher, who was a qualified meditation instructor. Another class of 25 students in their 3rd year who did not attend this meditation session was selected as the control group.


The result demonstrated an increased level of self-esteem and an increased level of adaptability to the school environment amongst the students who attended this meditation sessions. It also showed that a higher level of self-esteem resulted in a higher level of adaptability to the school environment.

a comparison on the level of adaptability to school environment before and after this meditation

a comparison on the level of adaptability to school environment before and after this meditation

a comparison on the level of self-esteem before and after this meditation

a comparison on the level of self-esteem before and after this meditation
meditation effects
meditation center in brussels
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Research Findings: The Effects Of This Meditation On Adult Mental Health

meditation mental health

What is Mental Health?

Mental health is the level of psychological well-being or an absence of mental illness. It is the state of someone who is “functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral adjustment”. From the perspectives of positive psychology or of holism, mental health may include an individual’s ability to enjoy life and to create a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience.

Many famous people leave quotes about mental health. Lady gaga said “Individual acts of bravery and compassion can change the world. It is time to do the same for mental health.” as she said, it is the time for us to change our mind for our mental health. but how to change our mind? until now, it has been hard for human to find the best way to establish great mental health. we thought that traveling, making relationships, drinking, getting hobbies, sports would be a good way to improve mental health. but, these stuffs cannot always solve our mental problem, some stuffs make it even worse. and some mental quotes said we have to accept our mind deeply and honestly. but how we can face our real mind? we don’t even know how to take our mind deeply and honestly. so, what are we going to do?

meditation mental health

Meditation is the key solution

Meditation is the key solution for our mental health. doing meditation, we can concentrate on only our inside and can face the real minds we have in ourselves. when we confront our deep and strong negative minds sincerely, we can accept our inside minds. then from that situation, we can let go of our minds which make us anxious, nervous, sad, depressed, angry, overthinking. and we can find real happiness in our mind.

Research about meditation effect

Here is research about effects of our meditation for our mental health. you can see that meditation is the good way to make great mental health.

Research Date


Research Title

The effects of this meditation on adult mental health


  • Mi-ra Yoon (the Department of Nursing Science, Seoul University)
  • Yang-kyung Yu (Professor, School of Nursing, Kunsan University)
  • En-hee Choi (Researcher, the graduate school of public health, Catholic University of Korea)
  • Kyung-ah Kim (Doctor, comparison family medicine)

Research Aim

The purpose of the research is to identify the effects of this meditation on the mental health of the adults who suffer from psychiatric disorders. The research was conducted between July 2011 to September 2012, in the form of surveying psychiatric patients after attending the special meditation sessions. These sessions are specially designed to tailor the needs of the individual adults with psychiatric disorders


Amongst the participants, 88.3% of them replied that this meditation improved their mental health, 44.1% stopped taking psychiatric medication after experiencing positive improvements on their mental health, and 38.2% reduced their psychiatric medication intake.
This research demonstrates that this meditation can bring about significant positive improvements on mental health by eliminating the root cause of minds that create depression, anger, anxiety and many other negative sentiments. This achievement is meaningful especially considering that the dramatic improvements brought by this meditation on the psychiatric patients’ mental health can dispense their needs to rely on psychiatric drugs.
Today, where mental health issues have become the most serious pain that society suffers, an effective programme that provides healing of the mind is needed more than ever before. This research strongly recommends that a good healing programme like this meditation should be actively sought by various sectors in society to overcome this challenge.

meditation mental health
Effects of meditation on adult mental health

Mental Health Europe

Nowadays, in many European countries, Human Mental Health have been a enormous topic to everyone. many people start thinking that Mental Health is the most important thing in their life. under such influence, in many societies, ‘Mental Health Day’ Campaign have been in fashioned. people see the importance of taking a rest for their mental health. and many companies begin to think that mental health of their employee affects effectiveness of their production.

Bruxelles Meditation

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Sunday Meditation Bruxelles

What would you do on this Sunday? Maybe you would work out for your body or stay home and get relax and read a book or you could go for ride to somewhere. and it might soothe your feeling at that momjent.

sunday meditation brussels

But Could it retain for a long time?

sunday meditation bruxelles

The most important for human is being happy and calm. The reason we hang out with friends, eat delicious foods, love someone, live together and all kinds of things like these is that we want to be happy. But, These things doesn’t always give you happiness.

Then, what should we do for our persistent happiness? I would like to recommend meditation. I can assure that meditation can give you real calm and happiness persistently.

sunday meditation brussels

Sunday Meditation Program

sunday meditation bruxelles
Timetable for sunday meditation program

Stretching Exercise

sunday meditation brussels
stretching exercise in meditation center

Before meditation, We do stretching for relaxing our body and mind. Not only it helps our body be healthy, but also it gives us perfect condition for concentrating on meditation.

Meditation Lecture

sunday meditation brussels
meditation lecture in meditation center brussels

We have to know how to meditate before meditation. Our meditation center teach you the concept of our meditation and inform you of How to let go of your stress.

Intensive Meditation

sunday meditation brussels
meditation in meditation center in brussels

Sunday is perfect day for meditation because we have enough time to concentrate on meditation. This is the reason Sunday Meditation Program is very important.

Literally, If you want, you can meditate for 4 hours at once. This intensive meditation will be very effective for your meditation.

Counseling for meditation and daily life

sunday meditation brussels

After meditation, you can ask guide to talk about your meditation status and variety of minds of your ordinary life.

Meditation guide will give you proper advice to empower your life and meditation

Tea Time

sunday meditation brussels
coffee, snack, fruits for your break

In our meditation center,

Try tea before meditation! it will help your body be relaxed and calm. then your meditation quality will go up!

After Meditation, you can enjoy different kinds of fruits, teas, coffees and snacks.

sunday meditation brussels

Meditation Center in Central of brussels

sunday meditation brussels

Bruxelles Méditation

Location : Avenue de la Renaissance 1, 1000 Bruxelles

Phone : 0491 75 14 14

sunday meditation brussels

Thank you for reading. We will wait for your joining!

Bruxelles meditation

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25 Benefits of Meditation

benefits of meditation

Since the past years more and more people are talking about how beneficial meditation is. Do you want to know what of this is really true and backed up by science? Perfect, here are you at the right place.

Until now, more than thousand studies have shown benefits of meditation. In this article you will get insights on the most important studies. You will be surprised to read on how many levels meditation has an impact on your mental and physical health. Here you see 25 science-based benefits of meditation, which are explained in this article.

benefits of meditation

25 Science-based Benefits of Meditation:

  1. Meditation Reduces Stress
  2. Increases the Quality of Sleep
  3. Increases Attention Span
  4. Improves the Quality of Relationships
  5. Decreases Substance Abuse
  6. Reduces Anxiety
  7. Generates Kindness
  8. Controls Pain
  9. Decreases Blood Pressure
  10. Reduces Age Related Memory Loss
  11. Enhances Self Awareness
  12. Promotes Emotional Health and Well-being
  13. Enhances Empathy
  14. Improves Problem Solving and Decision-making Ability
  15. Reduces Aggression
  16. Reduces Depression
  17. Decreases Chronical Diseases
  18. Improves Learning and Memory
  19. Reduces Risk of Heart Diseases and Stroke
  20. Boosts Immune System
  21. Increases Feelings of Compassion
  22. Decreases Feelings of Worry
  23. Decreases Feelings of Loneliness
  24. Reduces Emotional Eating
  25. Meditation Saves You Money

1. Meditation Reduces Stress

To understand what meditation can do against stress, we first have a closer look to what Stress actually is: Stress is the result of past experiences, unresolved traumata, painful experiences, negative thinking, inner conflicts and emotional pain. Being more specific: Stress is the physical feeling of the activated Fight-Flight-Freeze-mechanism of the nervous system. In this mechanism the body is ready to either fight, escape or freeze to face death. The whole energy of the body goes into the muscles, which are ready to act. The heart beats faster and stronger to deliver as much oxygen as possible and the body is fully alert for anything happening in your surrounding, so you can act as quickly as possible. In this state all energy, also by the Immune-system and by the part of the body being responsible for healing, is needed and taken. The short term result is that the immune system is inhibited due to cortisol. Thus, the immune system is not able to perform well The long term result is that the body is completely out of balance, unable to recover.

2. Meditation Increases the Quality of Sleep

Sleep issues come from:

  • Stress

There are many stuffs in your life. Job, Family, Friend, Money etc.. those things always distract our mind. when we have to solve problems from those, Sometimes we get serious Stress from that which cause different kinds of disease. and it connect to Insomnia.

  • Worry

‘What if I fail the test?’, ‘What if I have made a mistake?’, ‘What if my secret comes out?’, ‘What if something bad happen to me?’ All the worries start from ‘What if’. That’s true. Most of the worries is about supposition is not true. Let’s face it! All the worries that stop us from living present is fake. we don’t know it will happen or not and even though it happens, Having worries even before something happens would rather than No worries, just face it when it happens? We must get out of the prison of worry!

Meditation can be the answer

To get rid of those stresses and worries, We have to realize how those things are useless and fake. Meditation can lead you let go of those stresses and worries and realize that you have been controlled. and if you realize it, Insomnia will go away.

3. Increases Attention Span

What is the serious cause of low attention span? It is definitely a variety o thoughts that make us leak out of the way. Meditation is letting go of your distracting thoughts. By doing meditation, we can eliminate all the thoughts that stop us from concentrating on present. Take a chance to get high attention span

4. Improves the Quality of Relationship

What is the best way to establish good relationship with others? It is very hard to say. Maybe you need honesty or Sincereness or money or kindness or delicacy or confident or sensible… Actually it is going to be very different from every situations. What’s the solution, then? What If we can be always wise in the all different situations? What if we always can be objective perspective? then, we can truly understand other’s perspective and we can cope with relationship in best way.

How can we get those ability? Meditation is key for those faculties. Meditation help us to let go of our subjective perspective which stop us from seeing world as objective perspective. and when we get rid of our subjective things, we can be always objective and when we become objective person, we can be wise.

5. Decrease Substance Abuse

What is the reason of Substance Abuse? There can be various reasons. mental empty and unsatisfactory that never be filled, chronic anxiety and melancholy. Where these feelings come from? It is from our mind. Our mind world consists of endless desire. even though you have made a big satisfaction, our mind wants more pleasure, power, money, fame which cannot be satisfied forever.

Meditation can let you to control your various desires to be stable. It makes your excessive desires gone and help you to realize how our desires are useless, painful and toxic.

6. Reduces the Anxiety

Most Anxieties come from worries about uncertain future. actually we don’t need to worry about something. If there is we can do for the future, just do what can do, but if there is nothing we can do, we don’t need to care about it. Worries is , in any cases, very useless. we have to go out of it.

Also, Anxieties come from customary reason, Because of experiences of past, Our body remember and get used to anxiety. that’s why sometimes we are anxious without reasons.

To get rid of those worries and unprovoked anxieties, We have to realize how those things are useless and fake. Meditation can help you let go of those worries realize that you have been controlled and even eliminate chronic anxieties by let go of all the memories that body remembers.

7. Decreases blood-pressure

One of the big cause of high blood-pressure is stress. when you’re getting a stressful moment, Your body makes a extreme increase of hormones. These hormones temporarily escalate your blood pressure by encouraging your heart to beat faster and your blood vessels to narrow.

Meditation can reduce stressful moments of your life and help to stay on calm and stable by eliminating all the causes which make a variety of stresses.

8. Improves Problem Solving and Decision-making Ability.

What is the most important elements for problem solving and decision-making ability. We would suggest that it should be strong mental qualities like being calm, wise and being objective perspective.

Meditation is key for those faculties. Meditation help us to let go of our subjective perspective which stop us from seeing world as objective perspective. and when we get rid of our subjective things, we can be always objective and when we become objective person, we can be calm and wise. then, we could make right decisions.

9. Reduces Depression

Where does depression come from? There are many reason that depression is made. Dissatisfaction, Having a tendency to worry a lot, low self-esteem, being sensitive to personal criticism, or are self-critical and negative. In other words, Depression comes from mental

Why is Meditation a Game Changer regarding Stress?

Meditation let you get out of the Fight-Flight-Freeze-Mode by deeply realising the constructed nature of stress and letting it go. You unrevel from stress and become truly free from it.

Then you can really feel what it means to be truly relaxed and at ease, because you can feel when your body releases and regenerates on a deep level.

You wanna have some proof? In a study of 3252 Participants,

Currently, we are working on this article for you. We upload new information daily. Please come back to us tomorrow. In any case, you can always pop in or call the centre and we have a chat about questions or the benefits itself.
benefits of meditation brussels

Thank you so much,

Bruxelles Meditation

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Meditation Images

In our life, we always confront many difficulties. For example, family problem, job problem, friend problem, money problem, love problem, human relationship problem, health problem etc. whenever we conflict these problems we usually get anxious, frustrated, mad, depressed, lost, lonely. These things make stress and Stress makes variety of diseases.

How can we get over these problems? How can we feel real calm and happiness?

The answer is meditation.

Meditation is key for our happiness. Doing meditation, we can look inside our whole life. Then, we can realize who really are, what we really want, how to handle with everything we confront.

At that moment, we can find real calm and happiness for ourselves and the most important thing of our life.

There are many images of meditation below. Let’s check together.


  • Help to concentrate on meditation

Sometimes, we need places which is calm and quite for relax our mind. Actually, it is perfect for meditation alone. Doing Meditation alone help us to concentrate on our meditation to look inside our mind deeply. At that time. It would be more clear for us to understand what is the problem of us.

  • Whenever we are, Wherever we are

If we have method for meditation, we could meditate whenever we want, wherever we want.

Frankly, doing meditation in our everyday life is one of the most important thing for improving our consciousness.

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By deep meditation, We can get true consciousness
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Through Meditation, You get calm and real peace.
Through Meditation, You can find True-yourself

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Meditation Outside help us to feel Nature intuitively.
Help us to concentrate on meditation deeply.
meditation images
Try to Concentrate on meditation,
You will find deep calm in your mind
meditation images
Meditation is the key for happiness.
meditation images
Try Meditation with Nature.
It will help you to get relieved.
meditation images
It is time for meditation. Let’s try online meditation at home
It will give you some relax on calm on your mind.
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Tea helps us to get meditation calmly and make our body healthy

Group Meditation

  • Group Meditation gives you more power for meditation

When we meditate together, All of our energy are gathered and it raises the quality of meditation. And it empower the deepest of meditation and consciousness.

  • Everybody would be true friends

When we meditate together and raise our consciousness, we can really treat each other sincerely.

We can be honest to each other, we can share our difficulties and worries and meditate together again then every stresses go way and always be happy.

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Meditation Lecture help us to understand meditation
and how we can get meditation effectively
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Group Meditation help us to concentrate meditation deep
and make us get more energy to meditate deeply
meditation images
Try meditation class with your friends,
It will help you understand your friend deep.
group meditation
We have Group Meditation Sessions
This picture was taken at the end of meditation session.
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Through meditation, We can be one family and we are always happy together.
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Exercise helps the body to be relax and healthy.
It help us concentrate on meditation well.

Meditation Center

  • Meditation center in Central

Our meditation center is located in Central of city. so you can get center as easily as your job. Our Meditation center open 9:00AM and close 11:00PM so you can make reserve sessions whenever you want and however you want.

  • Well-organized And comfortable environment for meditation

Our meditation room is perfect for meditation. proper chairs and blanket for meditation. Not only just equipment, But also we prepare variety of snacks, teas and coffees. You can enjoy whole-time in the meditation center.

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Meditation Classroom is always clean and calm for your meditation.
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meditation images, meditation center
meditation images, meditation center

Thank you for reading

Bruxelles Meditation

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Better Sleep through Meditation

better sleep through meditation
It can be so easy.

‘It is late. The body is tired and there is only the strong desire to fall asleep. But I can not. I try to not think about today or tomorrow. I try to not think about whatever keeps me awake, sometimes I do not even know why am I still awake. I try to not try to fall a sleep. I am so tired. However, I find myself awake on one side of the bed, then on the other side, then on my back. The next day I wake up and feel terrible, as If I would have partied all night or as I would have had to many drinks. I am tired, energyless and can not wait the day to be over, to catch up with my sleep again.’

Everyone has expierenced this. Some of us sometimes, some of us regularly and some of us to a very high extent, too. However, we expierenced that people who meditate regularly are happily stating that this issue dissolves, and how it completely dissapears over time.

But how can meditation increase the quality of sleep?

When the mind wanders, it is restless. Some thoughts or elements in life are regulalry returning to our minds. This keeps one awake and stresses the body. Due to meditation one realizes which thoughts are constantly coming into our minds, keep us awake and how to let go of them. We highly recommend to try out our free Seminar. With this one can see how the sleeping pattern will change over time. In our guidance and individual mentoring we offer an easy meditation method one can apporach before going to bed. It helps to easily let go of the day and to fall a sleep like a baby.

meditation for sleep
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The Images of the Mind and Meditation

Images make our mind. People create their own mind world by taking pictures of their life. So, we are always taking pictures of our surroundings by our eyes, nose, mouth, ears and even by using the body. Through the creation of our own imaginary world, we create pictures which make our mind happy, sad, mad, jealous, fearful, guilty. As an example: the same event one has experienced can be seen from very different ways: when you in a good mood you see it as a beautiful memory, when you in a bad or sad mood the same memory turns into a painful event. It is not the event which created that pain, it is looking back to an non existing event and creating pictures about something which is not really existing anymore.

Our meditation is to let go of these false images to be able to see the true nature of events and life. We have a free Introduction Seminar where you can have a look at all the images you have. Our mentoring and guided meditation can support you to let go of these images, to be free from worry, pain or sadness.

If you are interested, please contact us.

Thank you

Bruxelles Meditation

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Meditation Quotes : Abandon

Meditation Quotes

Today, I want to introduce the poem ‘Abandon’. As you can see it suggest to give up your attachment, discernment, knowledge, pride etc. At first glance, it may does not make sense, because these things define who we are. But, If we look deeply inside of us, we find that these ideas and constructs makes one suffer the most. As an example, it is not about giving up wealth and prosperty, it is about letting go of the attachement towards it. Especially, when things do not turn out the way we want them to. This is painful. But, if we don’t attach to it and just do, we will see positivity in every Situation. We can learn from it and be thankful for it. Thus, we can stay happy.

Moreover, if have a lot of pride and always think we are right, we create conflicts with other people easily and are unhappy. In worst case, we end up as a selfish person, who is not loved from anyone. But, If we have none of these elements within us, we can talk to everybody with respect and we learn from eachother. To let go of everything we do not feel comfortable with, we have a Free Introduction Seminar.

We hope you are gonna join us.

Meditation Brussels

Thank you

Bruxelles Meditation

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Meditation Retreat

Meditation retreat in brussels

How were you today? How was your job? Are you feeling well?

If you cannot reply on this question positively, maybe you are stressed. As well known, stress is the cause of all diseases. It can destroy your daily life. So, we have to let go of our stress regularly. But how? I can strongly say, that the key to eliminate stress is meditation. By meditating, we reduce stress and feel more relax, we even treat our body in the most possible way. It is important to handle stress immediately, before it gets worse over time.

Research on the Effects of Meditation

There is an interesting research about effects of our meditation on breast cancer survivors and their psychological well-being by the Seoul National University Hospital. There are two groups, one is participating in our meditation program, the other is taking part in a self-care education program.

The group MM (yellow line) is the group participating in the meditation program and the group SME (grey line) is the group taking part in a self-care education program.

Meditation retreat in brussels

Here we can see, people practicing our meditation have a higher reduction of their stress levels than people practicing the self-care education program.

Meditation retreat in brussels

This diagram shows a depression parameter. It is clear to see that the group with meditation reduced their depression more than the group with a self-care education.

Meditation retreat in brussels

The diagram above is presenting the test peoples’ score for Satisfaction with life. Here it is visible that there is a lot of improvement for the people practicing meditation, whereas the people practicing a self-care education almost haven’t got any changes at all.

Meditation retreat in brussels

Within this diagram we can see that people practicing our meditation have an increased Posttraumatic growth Index (PtGI) in a better way than people practicing the self-care education program.

So this research is clearly showing that practicing our meditation program has better results for reduced stress and depression, and improved satisfaction of life and PtGI than practicing self-care education.

meditation center in brussels

Meditation Center near you

Our Meditation Center has an efficient method to let go of all causes of stress which are in our mind. The Center is open everyday, even on weekends, so you can take sessions as much as you want. For example: You’ve got a stressful week and you really need to get away and have a peaceful mind. Then, you can visit our meditation center on Saturday or Sunday for a short or even for a long meditation session up to 12 hours – whatever suites you best. Our meditation method will guide you to real calm and peace.

meditation retreat in brussels

Meditation in peaceful countryside in France

We organize intensive meditation retreats in France with our members and other members throughout Europe.

Our meditation retreat centre is located in Sologne, Loir et Cher region amounst the beautiful forests and lakes which the area is famous for.

It’s a great opportunity to get away from the busy, stressful environments we live in and reconnect with nature and the inner peace which lies within all of us while immersed in these beautiful and peaceful surroundings.

meditation center in brussels

Thank you

Brussels Meditation

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Best 10 things you can do during Quarantine

meditation corona

To get the most out of your stay in quarantine we have 10 things to uplift your life and to stay as happy as possible.

  1. Meditation: If you can not go outside, go inside.

During this time, it is of great importance to keep your happiness. The happier you are, the stronger your immune system is. Looking inward allows you to understand what is happening within you and gives you the freedom to stay calm with great compassion during this time. We highly recommend you to meditate, try different methods or techniques, even if it is just for a short time a day. Of course increasing your meditation time daily will benefit your health and memory to great effects, also after the quarantine. If you have the opportunity to participate in online guided meditation, meditating will even be easier for you.

2. The Power of ‘Thank you

The word ‘Thank you’ is a great tool to increase your life quality easily. Make a great habit out of it and remind you to say ‘thank you’ at least a few hundred times a day. We promise you, you are not gonna get enough of this.

3. Stay Positive

To be fair: nobody expected it, but now: here we are. And if we are here now and doing this thing is called life, why not making the best out of it? Let us stay positive and ask yourself ‘how can I make the most out of my stay indoor?’

4. Let your dreams come true

For real: now you have the time to try something out you never really had the time for. Any language you always wanted to try or learn? Any type of dance or exercise which was calling for your attention? Or an instrument? YouTube gives you great opportunities to try things out and even to participate in challenges which last up to 30 days.

5. Rituals are the key

In case you have decided to join a challenge on YouTube (let’s say like yoga or a language) give it a specific time. It is easier to keep on track with something you decided on if you give it a specific time. Wake up, get it started. Other rituals are important too: Keep your meals at a similar time. Your body loves it. Enjoy the routine and the rituals and you will see: time flies.

6. Move as much as possible

Enjoying one or two movies as well as series can be fun, yes, but we recommend you to keep moving as much as possible. Energy creates energy. So to keep vital and healthy, with a high level of energy throughout your stay you need to keep moving. The more you move, the less you think, the happier the body is and there more energy you have for all the beautiful things you enjoy doing.

7. Keep yourself as busy as possible

When you ask the most successful people in the world, why they are not worried, they will tell you: ‘I do not have time for thing about that stuff.’ True words. Keep your rituals going, keep a routine going. If you have not established one yet: great now is the time to go for it. There are plenty articles out to set your mind right there and to get you going for a great routine. You will see how easy it is and how much you gonna love it to keep doing and moving.

8. Keep it clean

Not only to keep moving cleaning is a key, also to stay really healthy and focused on things you wanna do throughout the day. If it is clean and organized around you, your mind will feel the same.

9. Facetime with love ones

To Meet up with friends and family members on facetime or skype can be very exciting and special. For the brain similar regions are stimulated, so it will be almost like seeing them in real. Great, that we can make the best out of it: How about cooking together, having dinner or playing some online games or just seeing each other, enjoying the beauty of being in company or even figuring out how a date online would be. Get creative and have fun.

10. Let the air breeze

Last but not least: Keep the windows open or let some air in whenever you can. Your brain will love the breeze and thank you with great health and the best support. By opening the windows, you can also remind yourself to take a deep breath in and out. Just as a little tool to remind you, that all there is is this breath in this moment.

If you guys have any further recommendations on what to do during quarantine, please let us know. We will share it! Stay positive and healthy. Let us make the most out of it.

meditation in brussels

Much love,

Bruxelles Meditation

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La méditation au temps du coronavirus

meditation coronavirus

Pendant que tout le monde parle de corona et covid, les préparations pour l’ouverture du centre de méditation continuent.

Bien sûr, à l’ordre du jour, beaucoup de méditation!

La méditation peut réellement aider à surmonter des périodes compliquées et retrouver la sérénité nécessaire à affronter les nouveaux défis.

N’étant pas possible de se retrouver pour méditer en groupe, les options qui se présentent à nous pour méditer sont les suivantes :

  • Méditer seuls à la maison
  • Méditer en étant guidés en ligne avec l’aide de logiciels gratuits comme Skype ou Zoom
  • Méditer au parc en respectant les distances de sécurité

Chaque situation peut être perçue négativement ou positivement, l’opportunité de cette période est probablement d’avoir plus de temps pour se recentrer sur soi et réaliser ce qui compte vraiment dans la vie.

La méditation au temps du coronavirus
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