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Alexandra / Massage therapist

Meditation? “It’s simple and so powerful!”

Alexandra / Massage therapist

Before meditating, my life seemed perfectly fine. People thought I was happy and comfortable with my family, school, and work, but in reality I was constantly worried and under pressure. I always had this need to please everyone and I was obsessed with maintaining a good image in front of others.

I was always hiding behind a fake smile and heavy makeup, hiding to appear perfect. With meditation, I realized that it was all because I cared about how the world saw me. I was so worried that I never wore white socks or light colors for fear that people would see if my feet were dirty. I thought that the world was judging me for the slightest thing. I was so overwhelmed by this feeling of insecurity that I became insomniac.

But finally, when I looked at my life, meditation really helped me see that I was only living in this “bubble”. I was stuck in a place where I only cared about my own vision of things, where I compared myself to others and where I wanted to be better with my own standards that I had created for myself. Now that I look back, I can say that I was really ridiculous! And to think that I inflicted all this worry on myself!

Since I meditate in Korea, I have not yet seen those who knew me before meditation. On the other hand, everyone I met at the meditation center tells me that I am brighter. I myself have noticed changes: I no longer have insomnia and I can dance with socks of any color and without makeup! Since I no longer worry about the opinions of others, I feel much stronger and freer. The greatest gift of this meditation is to see that the world does not revolve around me. I have only lived for myself. For me, the best part of this meditation is seeing reality, the real world, outside of my bubble.

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