Images make our mind. People create their own mind world by taking pictures of their life. So, we are always taking pictures of our surroundings by our eyes, nose, mouth, ears and even by using the body. Through the creation of our own imaginary world, we create pictures which make our mind happy, sad, mad, jealous, fearful, guilty. As an example: the same event one has experienced can be seen from very different ways: when you in a good mood you see it as a beautiful memory, when you in a bad or sad mood the same memory turns into a painful event. It is not the event which created that pain, it is looking back to an non existing event and creating pictures about something which is not really existing anymore.
Our meditation is to let go of these false images to be able to see the true nature of events and life. We have a free Introduction Seminar where you can have a look at all the images you have. Our mentoring and guided meditation can support you to let go of these images, to be free from worry, pain or sadness.
If you are interested, please contact us.
Thank you
Bruxelles Meditation
Tags: anxiety, benefits of meditation, brussels meditation, bruxelles meditation, calm, fight-flight-freeze-mecanism, guide meditation, guided meditation, guidedmeditation, health, Meditation, meditation center, meditation class, meditation improves health, nervous system, peaceful, relaxed, Stress Free, stress relief